wait a long time

美 [weɪt ə lɔːŋ taɪm]英 [weɪt ə lɒŋ taɪm]
  • 等很长时间
wait a long timewait a long time
  1. B Oh , you usually have to wait a long time .


  2. If you wait for someone to give you the green light to create and perform music , you may wait a long time .


  3. Because a lot of people I wait a long time .


  4. He had to wait a long time before Wu came back .


  5. Moreover , he had to wait a long time for the next train .


  6. Sorry . I had to wait a long time to get a taxi .


  7. It is vexing to have to wait a long time for him .


  8. That way , when you run the example , you do not have to wait a long time to see the results .


  9. Fans may have to wait a long time to see the fourth season of Sherlock , much like every season .


  10. Sitting in your own car is much more comfortable than having to wait a long time for the bus or train .


  11. Projects that are low on the priority list may need to wait a long time , depending on budget and resource availability .


  12. Selenologists may therefore have to wait a long time before they can test the Jutzi-Asphaug model properly .


  13. Our evening out was flawed by having to wait a long time in the rain for a taxi home .


  14. You make me wait a long time , but your friend keeps me company . We were just speaking of your bravery


  15. Large picture files will require people who are viewing your web site to wait a long time for the graphic to download .


  16. No one likes to wait a long time in the execution of the script to find out that a variable was not properly set .


  17. ' No , she 's very poor too , so we 'll have to wait a long time , until we 've saved enough money .


  18. Darnay had to wait a long time while officials carefully read his papers , which explained the reasons for his journey .


  19. The request may wait a long time with nothing to send back , but once there is something new , it is immediately sent to the client .


  20. From a macro point of view , the domestic and international economic situation is relatively poor , and the market further prosperity still need to wait a long time .


  21. Taking 5 per cent stakes is a little bit like saying , I would like to get engaged but let 's wait a long time until we think about marriage , he says .


  22. One of the things that Jon Snoddy as I said told me is that you might have to wait a long time , sometimes years , but people will show you their good side .


  23. It was deemed a sign of civility that consumers were prepared to wait a long time , sometimes only to discover the shop had run out of butter or meat .


  24. To " cool one 's heels " & to be forced to wait a long time at some place , like a busy doctor 's office or at an employment agency looking for a job .


  25. The key problem with this kind of approach , though , is that the infrequency of these meetings mean that Product A might have to wait a long time to make a key decision about how to build that product .


  26. In a signal intersection with high vehicle-flow , pedestrians will wait a long time to cross the street , often that time will beyond the Waiting Psychological Limits . That will often cause pedestrian crossing the street illegally , and increase the interference to vehicles .


  27. You don ' t have to wait for a long time at busy attractions .


  28. Do I have to wait for a long time ?


  29. Long time no log in , and make you my friend wait for a long time .


  30. We 're really early . we 're going to have to wait for a long time .
